Resource Development

Type: tactic

Description: The adversary is trying to establish resources they can use to support operations.

Version: 0.1.0

Created At: 2024-12-31 14:18:56 -0500

Last Modified At: 2024-12-31 14:18:56 -0500

Tactic Order: 2

External References

  • <-- Commercial License Abuse (technique): An adversary can learn about a commercially available system to craft their payloads accordingly.
  • <-- Prompt Crafting (technique): An adversary can craft a prompt that would circumvent the target AI system defenses.
  • <-- Publish Hallucinated Entities (technique): An adversary can create rouge entities that correspond to entities hallucinated by an LLM.
  • <-- Prompt Stabilizing (technique): An adversary can fine-tune a malicious prompt to perform its intended goals repeatedly once deployed in a payload.