
Type: tactic

Description: The adversary is trying to gather data, artifacts and other related information relevant to their goal.

Version: 0.1.0

Created At: 2024-10-03 22:24:49 +0300

Last Modified At: 2024-10-03 22:24:49 +0300

Tactic Order: 11

External References

  • <-- Retrieval Tool Data Harvesting (technique): An adversary can harvest sensitive data from various systems through invocable retrieval tools.
  • <-- RAG Data Harvesting (technique): An adversary can harvest sensitive data from various systems through RAG queries.
  • <-- Thread History Harvesting (technique): An adversary can harvest sensitive data from previous interactions on the same thread.
  • <-- Memory Data Hording (technique): An adversary that successfully infected one thread can get the AI system to collect information from other threads.