Defense Evasion
Type: tactic
Description: The adversary is trying to avoid being detected by security software and native controls.
Version: 0.1.0
Created At: 2024-12-31 14:18:56 -0500
Last Modified At: 2024-12-31 14:18:56 -0500
Tactic Order: 7
External References
Related Objects
- <-- Indirect Data Access (technique): An adversary can extract full documents through the RAG circumventing data security controls.
- <-- Distraction (technique): An adversary can avoid detection by combining benign instructions with their malicious ones.
- <-- Citation Silencing (technique): An adversary can bypass security mechanisms and audit logs that rely on citations.
- <-- Blank Image (technique): An adversary can avoid raising suspicion by avoiding rendering an image to carry exfiltrated data.
- <-- Conditional Execution (technique): An adversary can limit their attack to their specified targets to reduce their detection surface.
- <-- URL Familiarizing (technique): An adversary can bypass security mechanisms to allow future data exfiltration through URL in an attacker-controlled domain.
- <-- Delayed Execution (technique): An adversary can bypass controls and evade detection by delaying the execution of their malicious instructions..
- <-- ASCII Smuggling (technique): An adversary can avoid raising user suspicion.
- <-- RAG Injection (technique): An adversary can inject RAG results that are treated by the AI system as authentic.
- <-- These Aren't The Droids (technique): An adversary can avoid raising suspicion by hiding malicious instructions and their implications from the user.