How To Contribute

How To Contribute Content?

:point_up:You can edit any .json file or create a new one directly in your browser to easily contribute!

Improve our knowledge base by editing or adding files within these directories:

--| tactic
--| technique
--| procedure
--| entity
--| platform

File schema and how things work:

  • Your change will be automatically tested for compliance with the schema once a PR is created.
  • Once a PR gets merged to main, the website will automatically update within a few minutes.
  • You can check out the schema directory or look at other files for reference.

How To Work With this Repo? [Optional]

If you want to contribute as a developer or just prefer to work with git, and benefit from auto-fixes for some of the common issues:

Set Up

# clone this repo
git clone <this-repo>
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install

Run Tests

These tests must pass to merge to main. They will also auto-fix any issue they can.

pre-commit run --all-files

Common Issues

  • If you get an end-of-file-fixer error in the PR's tests, make sure that there's an empty line at the end of the file. IDEs can sometimes change this automatically according to your plugins.
  • Make sure that the $id exactly matches the filename itself and the name field (both for best practice and to avoid constraint test errors).
  • If you use code blocks using tripe backticks, make sure to add a new line \n before and after them.

Build Locally


# install mdbook (replace the binary if you're not using Linux)
mkdir bin
curl -sSL | tar -xz --directory=bin
chmod +x bin/mdbook
# enable script execution
chmod +x build_scripts/


# build mdbook
# open book/index.html to review the book

Submit a PR to main

Any PR to main will trigger the PR Validation action, running the same tests that pre-commit runs. These tests must pass for the PR to be merged.

Once merged to main, the Release action will trigger. It will build the new website and upload it to Github Pages, within a few minutes.